Natural Revelation

For the last week, I have been in Phoenix, Arizona for training for work. It was my first trip to Arizona, and it was simply beautiful. The weather was great and the landscape was a sight to behold. On Wednesday, I hiked to the summit of Squaw Peak, which is 2,600 feet above sea level. The hike was a 1.2 mile trek with a 1,200 foot elevation gain. Here’s a picture of a red-faced, out-of-shape me at the top.

Squaw Peak Summit

Squaw Peak Summit in Phoenix, AZ - 2/9/2011

One of my co-hikers asked how people could witness the sites from our hike and not believe in God. Given that my beliefs and worldview are based upon the biblical story, it makes sense to me that God is the creator of all things. When I look at the beauty and complexity of nature, it is a natural statement of the power, omniscience, and beneficence of God.  Nature reaffirms God’s goodness and God’s goodness reaffirms the beauty and wonder I see in creation. Psalm 19 provides a perfect statement of what creation says about God.

1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.  2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.  3 There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard (Psalm 19:1-3).

It should also be noted that it is the scientific study and observation of nature that has led many people to a denial of the existence of God. They live according to a different story. Their understanding of nature reinforces their beliefs about the world, and their worldview reaffirms their beliefs about the physical world.

Both believers and non-believers use nature to reinforce their understanding of existential questions of life. I believe the biblical story is compatible with the voice of nature, and for me, the biblical story makes more sense of life. It provides an answer for humanity’s purpose in life, it gives a clear statement of the beginning and end of all things, and it speaks to a power that sustains the workings of the world.

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